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– 900 g pumpkin pulp
– 2 White onions
– 2 Medium Carrots
– 3 Cloves of garlic
– 2 Saffron sachets
– Broth, butter, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.
– A small glass of dry and still white wine

  • Blend the onions and fry them with the oil over a gentle heat.
  • With an awl, drill a hole in the center of the walker and insert the washed carrots: put the meat so prepared to brown in the onion.
  • Add to the browned meat on all sides the hot wine in which the saffron has been melted, let it fade, adjust salt and pepper and let it go for 15 minutes with the broth.
  • Cut the pumpkin into cubes, add it to the meat with three butter nuts and cook slowly for about two hours.
  • Remove the walker from the heat, let it cool and cut it into slices; at the same time blend the pumpkin and cook it with a little more butter for 10 minutes to obtain a cream. Heat the slices of walker and accompany with pumpkin cream and a drizzle of olive oil.

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